New Review Update: White Murder; The Hundred Acre Woods; Of Monsters and Men

Adam E. here, reminding you that before the Iron Curtain fell, people used to wait in long lines for days just to get their music reviews. Luckily, times have changed. Here are today's rations:

First, staff reviewer Rich C. checks out the debut LP from Los Angeles quintet White Murder:

I imagined quite an aggressive sounding punk racket to come from White Murder, but on further investigation I discovered that I was quite some way off the mark.

Second, staffer Renaldo takes
Cold in the Morning
from The Hundred Acre Woods for a spin:

This may not be punk enough for you, but if you're a fan of DIY indie music, there's something here you should be checking out.

Last, reader SisterSue explores the sounds of Iceland with a review of
My Head is an Animal
by Of Monsters and Men:

The seemingly nonsensical album cover sold me. Call me a sucker for the indie-rock market, but I gravitate towards the uncanny.

Looking for another (or any) review? Head here. Want to submit your own review? Do that here.