BlankTV In Trouble

Looks like our pals at punk video site BlankTV have some financial issues to work through:
"Hey! I have some fairly awful news to report. For the third time in three years, we are having our plug pulled by our hosting company. 
With no prior notice, they have unhooked our servers and left us high and dry. We are currently talking to anyone who will listen to us
about new hosting and delivery options. Whatever we come up with WILL be Mac-compatible, so at least that won't be a problem anymore.
To get everything back in order, we need to raise some serious capital to buy our own server for the videos.
We are embarking on a punk rock version of the bake sale. We are trying to sell 2,000 of our new "God Less America" t-shirts to raise enough money to save
BlankTV. The shirts are very high quality, printed for us by the kickass folks over at Angry Girl. Go to them for all your merch needs.
Please click here to order a shirt through