8th grade metal band signs $1.7 million deal with Sony

New York heavy metal band Unlocking the Truth has signed a deal worth potentially $1.7 million dollars with Sony Records. What makes the signing particularly notable is that the members of the three-piece band are all in eighth grade. The band has previously opened for Slipknot's Joey Jordison's band, Scar the Martyr and played at last year's Coachella.

Under the deal, the band has signed a two-album deal worth $60,000 for the first disc and up to $350,000 for the second disc. Following that, Sony has an option to sign the band for four subsequent albums which would make the deal worth about $1.7 million. Tabitha Dawkins, a mother of one of the band members stated:

"It's so exciting. We're jumping over the moon. What started out as play dates went to Times Square and now this. It's been one great thing after another."

You can click Read More to see the band playing live on the streets of New York.