Greg Ginn accused of child abuse by ex-wife

Greg Ginn, founder and sole constant member of Black Flag, has been accused of child abuse by his ex-wife. On October 10, Ginn's ex-wife, Marina Ginn, filed a Motion to Modify Parent Child Relationship and a Request for Emergency Hearing on Temporary Orders in a Texas Court. In the pleading, Mariana Ginn asks the court to designate her "sole managing conservator" of their two daughters. She also asks that the court grant her "exclusive right to set up the primary residence" for the two daughters. The basis of the request is that Mariana Ginn accuses Ginn of child abuse.

The accusations can be read here via Consequence of Sound. Ginn has not yet made a public response to the accusations.

As per our policy regarding lawsuits, Punknews points out that affidavits are not findings of fact, so Ginn has not been found to have committed the acts of which he is accused by a court. Presumably, a hearing regarding these matters will be scheduled soon.