Apple removes white-power music from iTunes

According to a report in Rolling Stone, Apple has removed 30 racist bands from its catalogue. The action was taken after a report from the Southern Poverty Law center where iTunes was criticized for carrying 54 racist bands and also listing some of the bands in the "listeners also bought" section of the site. Bands including Skrewdriver, Max Resist and the Bully Boys were removed from the service. The SPLC also criticized Amazon and Spotify for failing to remove the same bands from their catalogues.

Heidi Beirich, director of the SPLC's Intelligence Project, said in a statement, "Apple is doing the right thing by preventing iTunes from being used as a recruitment tool for white supremacists. Amazon and other online retailers that continue to sell this music need to realize that they are providing a powerful platform for extremists to reach young people with messages that advocate hate and violence against African Americans, Jews and others."