Ian Watkins ex-Girlfriend on trial for child porn charges

As you all know by now, Lostprophets frontman Ian Watkins was sentenced to three decades in prison for child abuse and pornography charges. Now, Watkins' ex-girlfriend Joanne Mjadzelics, 39, is facing charges of possession of child pornography. She is on trial for four counts of possession of an indecent image of a child (level 4), two counts of distributing an indecent image of a child (level 1) and one count of encouraging or assisting the commission of an offence of distributing an indecent image of a child.

Mjadzelics has denied the charges. Further, Mjadzelics claims that she contacted the police about Watkins' abuse in 2009, before his arrest, but the police failed to do anything. The evidence against Mjadzelics dates as late as 2011. She has stated that she was keeping some of the images related to the charges as evidence against Watkins.

Mjadzelics, in her defense, stated “I cannot deny that it’s me [in some of the evidence] but I cannot remember it and I am just disgusted... I was a coke head at the time... I was totally in love with the guy and I was saying things to… make him excited.”

Evidence included in the trial reportedly includes a 2008 sex tape that featured Mjadzelics and Watkins and a 2011 online conversation where Mjadzelics allegedly signed off with the phrase “Child molesters till we die.” Further, allegedly, in the evidence, Mjadzelics and Watkins talk about getting Mjadzelics pregnant in order to to have a child to abuse, kidnapping a brother and sister from outside a school, killing one and raping the other. Mjadzelics is a mother of one.