Morrissey writes open letter to Live Earth and Al Gore

This year Al Gore, in partnership with Live Earth, will be running a series of concerts across six continents on June 18, 2015. The event is intended to bring notice to climate change issues. However, animal products will be served at the events. Seeing this, Morrissey, who promotes animal rights and environmental causes, wrote an open letter to Gore and Live Earth about the organization's decision to serve animal products. You can read the entire letter below.

Dear Mr. Gore and Mr. Wall,

I am writing to ask you to do the one thing that will do the most good for the planet and the majority of its inhabitants: not serve meat or dairy products at Live Earth 2015. I don't mean offering a vegan option-I mean not serving animal products at all. Otherwise, the event will make no sense-it'll be "greenwashing." Serving meat and dairy products at an event to combat climate change is like selling pistols at a gun-control rally. Your responsibility is to alert people to a crisis, not sell out to the vendors responsible for it.

Not only is it possible for venues to provide a 100 percent meat-free menu-as is done now at every concert venue in which I perform, including Madison Square Garden, where I have a show at the end of June-it's also a moral duty.

We already know that raising animals for food is a leading cause of climate change and that moving toward a vegan diet is necessary to combat climate change's worst effects. Animal agriculture severely affects the world's freshwater supply and is a major contributor to global greenhouse-gas emissions, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and air and water pollution, among many other harmful effects.

Since you can't miss the fact that meat consumption is killing the planet-your own sponsor organization, the United Nations, states this-and since venues can and will cater vegan food for events, if you choose to serve animal flesh at Live Earth, you'll be making a mockery of the very concept of the event, in which case it should be renamed "Dead Earth: We Contributed!"

Don't be a denier of the causes of climate change. You know the facts. Make the right choice.

Sincerely, Morrissey