Run for Cover Records disassociates from Whirr

Well, last night there was some drama surrounding the band Whirr. It started out with the band posting "LOL @Gloss" on Twitter. Then, when a Twitter user accused the band of misogyny, the band replied with"misogyny is hating women. g.l.o.s.s. Is just a bunch of boys running around in panties making shitty music." Then, the band posted a picture of Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs and the statement "This is G.L.O.S.S."
Following that, the band retweeted people's reactions to Whirr's statement. Many users called for Run For Cover Records, who released Whirr records in 2014, to disassociate from the band.
Run for Cover Records responded on Twitter with "We as individuals and as a label are accepting of all people and require the same from the bands and people we work with... We will not be working with Whirr from this point on and do not support that behavior in anyway. We will post a full statement tomorrow. G.L.O.S.S. is awesome and crucially important and we need more bands like them."
If there are any further substantial developments, we will keep you updated. Update: 11:38AM - Whirr has posted an apology. See it below