PEARS announce new bassist

New Orleans-based PEARS have added Atlanta native John Komar to their line up on bass. If he looks familiar, it's because Komar has been playing with the band as a "trial run" for the past 5 weeks, as explained in the band's Facebook post announcing the change. The post also includes "10 Fun Facts about John Komar" to help fans get to know the newest member--in typical PEARS fashion. You can check out the Top Ten below, but you'll have to head to Australia this March to catch John and the rest of PEARS on

10 Fun Facts about John Komar:
1. He's from Atlanta. 2. He lived in New Orleans for a while. 3. He's the same height as the rest of the band (short). 4. The Atlanta Falcons are not as good as the New Orleans Saints. 5. Fuck the Falcons. 6. Famous rapper turned country-wannabe, Nelly, is from Hotlanta--a part of Atlanta where John has never taken us, even though we used to stay at his house all the time when we played there. 7. He spent 4 days of the last tour with his pubes showing because the button on his pants broke. 8. He can drink beer all day and night without eating and never get drunk. 9. We charge a $30 submission fee to try out for PEARS, which he never paid, so he owes us 30 bucks. 10. We love him like a milkshake. Bonus fun fact: Jarret still owes us 30 bucks from when we had him try out.