Music: Craig Finn and Titus Andronicus: "No Faith / No Future / No Problem"

Craig Finn and Titus Andronicus have each released songs with the title "No Future," which is course references back to the famous chorus of the Sex Pistols' "God Save the Queen." In lead up to their upcoming tour together, Finn and Titus frontman Patrick Stickles got together in the studio to cover each other's "No Future." The resulting collaboration, which also features Titus guitarist Adam Reich accompanying, is titled No Faith / No Future / No Problem and can be found as a free download at BandCamp or streamed below.
The Titus Andronicus / Craig Finn tour kicks off on the 29th of February in New York City. We posted those dates earlier.

Finn's "No Future" originally appeared on 2012's Clear Heart Full Eyes full length. He last released
Faith in the Future
in 2015. Titus has an ongoing love affair with the title, having released two songs with the title on 2009's
The Airing of Grievances
, a third on 2010's
The Monitor
, and another couple on last year's
The Most Lamentable Tragedy