Alice Bag releases new video for "He's So Sorry"

Iconic LA punk Alice Bag has released a video for her new song "He's So Sorry", which can be found on her upcoming self-titled solo album due for release by Giovanni Records on the 24th of this month. Alice had this to say about the creation of the song:

'He’s So Sorry' is a song of both urgency and agency. Nobody should risk their life waiting for an abuser to change their ways. I grew up around domestic violence, so when a good friend of mine asked me for help and advice, I recognized that she was in an abusive situation. Our conversations inspired this song. When I was growing up, my father would frequently beat my mother. I would often go to school wondering if my mother would still be alive when I got home. My mother would tell me that she stayed with my father for my sake because I needed to have a mother and a father. It was a different time and a different set of values. As a child, I hated my father for beating my mother and I felt anger and frustration at my mother’s inability to leave. My mother WAS NOT to blame for the abuse – that is unequivocal – but she did fail to recognize that she had the power to leave the situation. She was tethered by the fear that she wouldn’t be able to survive financially and by what I imagine was societal and familial pressure to stay in a dysfunctional marriage."

See the video below.