Nathan Leigh: "Never Be Normal" (Punknews Exclusive)

Today, Punknews is pleased to debut the new video by Nathan Leigh.
In the stop motion video, toy robots, stuffed penguins, Dinosaurs, army men, and a whole bunch of other cutesy creatures wage a vicious war against each other. Meanwhile, battle is set to pop-folk reminiscent of Paul Simon's mid period. Speaking to Punknews, Leigh said, "During the six month anniversary celebration of Occupy Wall Street in Zuccotti Park on March 17th, 2012, myself and many other activists were attacked by the NYPD in an attempt to clear the park. Many of us were beaten, some, like Cecily McMillan served jail time for trying to protect themselves. I was beaten around the chest by a handful of officers, exacerbating a pre-existing lung condition, and my right lung collapsed as a result. I wrote 'Never Be Normal' to try to deal with the physical and emotional trauma of that day, which I still deal with on a daily basis. Violence by the state is an extremely effective tactic to silence dissent, and the song is my attempt to refuse to be silent. The brilliant puppeteer John Regan (who runs CactusHead Puppets with his wife Megan) and I shot the video over 2 weeks. It took about 4 hours for every 8 seconds of footage you see. We wanted there to be a sense of joy to both the song and video, because the systems of oppression that exist in this country are propped up by most people feeling defeated and helpless to do anything about them. Sometimes the most defiant thing a person can do is to be joyful in the face of hopelessness."
You can pre-order the
Never be Normal EP right here
. Then, check out the new video below.