Fortune Cookie Club rolls van, everyone is safe, will continue tour

Montreal's Fortune Cookie Club suffered a nasty accident the first night out on their one-week tour around eastern Canada. From the photo shown it looks as if they lost control on snowy roads and rolled their tour van into a ditch. The band reports that the van is totalled but, thankfully, everyone survived with only minor injuries. They plan on carrying on with the tour, but will need to cancel the next three gigs, resuming the tour on Thursday.
FCC's recent album, L'Autre was released July of last year. You can check out the track "Grosse Barb, sans veste, avec frites," as well as their remaining tour dates, below.

Date Venue City
Oct 27 L’Esco Montréal, QC
Oct 28 La Source de la Martiniére Québec, QC
Oct 29 Centre Culturel Jean-Laurin Mirabel, QC