Contests: Dakota/Dakota

Arms Reach Recordings will be releasing the debut album from Chicago's Dakota/Dakota (ex-Wolfie/The Like Young).  Dakota/Dakota is a three piece instrumental band that combines the indie-jazz style of Pele with much more aggressive tunes in the vein of Sweep The Leg Johnny.  You can preorder the album which will be out in August at the Arms Reach website (along with the 7" single coming out on Fudge Sickill Records).  While you're there you can check out the mp3's from the album.  However, if you are the gambling, creative type, here's a listing of the tracks that will appear on the album.  Since they are all instrumentals, there are no lyrics.  Pick a song and write lyrics to it based off the title.  Send them to CONTEST CLOSED with your name and address and the band will sit down and pick the best ones:

Hamburger Help Us (MP3)
I Hope To God I'm Not A Sheep
Indian givers, Cowboy Takers (MP3)
Don't Pee In My Bed And Tell Me It's Raining
Bruises Are Buttons For Pain
No Matter How Hard I Try...I Can Never Remember The Alamo
Getting Angry Is The Worst Way To Prove You're Not Drunk
Can I Write Something On your Face?
Just Because You Can't See My Invisible Force Field Doesn't Mean It's Not There
Square Meals At Round Tables

and on the 7"....
Herpes Always Begins With Her
Wade Boggs Don't Take No Shit From No One

First prize: One person will win a copy of the CD, a copy of the 7", a shirt, a sticker, and a button.
Second Prize: 2 people will win a copy of the CD, a sticker and a button.
Third prize: 2 people will win a copy of the 7", a sticker and a button.
Hurry with your entries, this contest will close on June 12th [one week from today].

Oh, this contest isn't for you? Well, don't forget about our Gamits/Stereotyperider/Suburban Home Records contest, which ends Saturday.