Samiam News

Some news about the legendary Samiam. First of all, they are still without record deal. I don't know what the freaking problem is. They've already recorded most of a new album. In the mean time, the nice fellows at the Samiam page, have posted some MP3s to tide us all over. Kirby writes "In the show department, Samiam is heading to L.A. November 17th for a gig at the
Whiskey with Sensefield and No Knife. Davey will be on tour with another band
(sorry, forgot the name) so Scott from Sensefield (an old pal and a GREAT drummer)
is going to fill in. Also on the docket is an uncomfirmed date with At The Drive In @
the Great American Music Hall in S.F. Imagine...a local gig. Don't have the exact
date yet but keep checking here!!!
" Let's hope we can hear a new record from them in the new year.