Punch Punch Kick: "What the Kids Don't Know" (Punknews Exclusive)

Today, Punknews is pleased to debut the new tune by Punch Punch Kick.Punch Punch Kick are a product of their forefathers. The band takes the huge, bright riffs of glam rock, covers that up with the sugar coating of pop-punk, and then add the slight melancholy heard by the likes of Weezer.
Speaking to Punknews, voclaist Phil McDonald said, "'What the Kids Don't Know' is our counter-culture hymn—an ode to finding the deeper meaning of it all in a world of left-swipe, right-swipe, likes and don't-likes. We knew we wanted the song to sound big. We used fuzz pedals, created some dissonance and added a bright melody on top of all the noise—even though the lyrics aren't very cheery. We're all happy to oblige the gods of rock and roll and turn up the volume when necessary, and this song gave us the space to do that. I think the raw energy of the song was our compass for where to go with it right from the start."

The band's new album is out June 2. Before then, check out "What the Kids Don't Know".... below!