Inmate charged in beating of Jawara McIntosh

Recently, it was reported that Jawara McIntosh, the son of Peter Tosh who performed under the name Tosh1, was beaten into coma in a New Jersey jail in February. He has been in a coma since then and recently his family stated an intention to sue Bergen County as well as petition the Department of Corrections to investigate the beatings. It appears McIntosh family's pressure has achieved some results. Kyrie Baum, who was an inmate in the same Bergen County jail as Tosh1, has been charged in the beating. It is not known what triggered the beating, but apparently, the attack lasted about ten seconds and left Tosh1 with traumatic brain injuries. Bergen County stated that Bergen County sheriff's officers immediately responded to the attack. Baum was being held in the jail on robbery and gun possession charges. Tosh1 was serving a six month term related to marijuana charges. Currently, Tosh1 is still in a coma.