Morrissey hassled by Italian cops, cancels shows

A few days ago, Morrissey's photographer and nephew Sam Esty Rayner posted a note on facebook stating that Morrissey was hassled by the police. He said, "Last night at 7.45 on Via del Corso in Rome, [a] Police Officer... terrorized Morrissey for 35 minutes demanding "papers". Morrissey had no papers. The Officer then said "I know who you are." Morrissey replied: "I know the law, I know my rights, and you have no reason to stop me." The Officer shouted very loudly and a crowd of over 100 people gathered. The Officer held his gun throughout the confrontation. After 35 minutes, Morrissey walked away, and the Officer did not follow."

Following this exchange, Morrissey has apparently canceled the rest of his Italian shows, which according to the band, consisted of seven "proposed live dates." In a release, Morrissey said, "Obviously, with psychopaths like this on the loose, it is not safe for me to be in Italy." See the entire statement by Rayner below.

Sam Esty Rayner statement:

Last night at 7.45 on Via del Corso in Rome, the Police Officer pictured below terrorized Morrissey for 35 minutes demanding "papers". Morrissey had no papers. The Officer then said "I know who you are." Morrissey replied: "I know the law, I know my rights, and you have no reason to stop me." The Officer shouted very loudly and a crowd of over 100 people gathered. The Officer held his gun throughout the confrontation. After 35 minutes, Morrissey walked away, and the Officer did not follow. Morrissey says: "This was a deliberate act of terror by this Officer, who had no personal identification, but whose Polizia 113 motor-bike had the plate G2458. I had not broken the law or acted suspiciously. The officer unlocked his gun and held it as he screamed into my face. Some people came to my rescue. This happened outside the Nike store, and many people filmed the obviously insane officer. I believe he recognized me and wanted to frighten me. I did not back down even though I believed he was about to shoot me. I urge people to beware of this dangerously aggressive Officer. He might kill you."