Streams: Launch Control: "Single Cells" (Punknews Exclusive)

Punknews is excited to premiere a new track from the UK's Launch Control. The song, "Single Cells," is off of the band's forthcoming EP Mayday, which is due out for digital release August 31st.
Not ones to shy away from political themes, "Single Cells" is no exception. Lead singer/bassist Lee Switzer explains:

Single cells addresses the sheltered, small island thinking that has become so prevalent since the beginning of the (Brexit) referendum campaign in the UK. It’s suffocating. And it’s not just here of course, we’ve seen this happening across Europe, and I’m a certain a great deal of Americans are feeling the same way. We’ve somehow both reached this point, after incredibly contentious elections built around scaremongering, stirring hate and tapping into prejudices, where neither side feels like they’ve got what they wanted, and that leads in a lot of cases to this selfish instinct to double down and become even more territorial. I could talk endlessly about it, but I’d like to hope the lyrics speak for themselves.

In true DIY fashion, the Mayday EP is recorded, mixed, and produced in-house by guitarist Alex Steer. You can check out the new track below. If you like what you hear, you can pre-order the album here.