Convicted fraudster selling world's most valuable album, threatens to destroy it

Martin Shkreli, who was recently convicted of three counts of securities fraud, is now selling a part of his rare Wu-Tang Clan box set. In 2015, Shkreli made news for both drastically raising the price of a rare HIV medication from $13.50 to $750 a pill, and also for buying the one-of-a-kind Wu Tang clan album Once Upon a Time In Shaolin for two million dollars. The two million dollar sale made the album the most expensive album ever sold, surpassing Elvis' first acetate and White Album serial number 1.
Well, now he is selling the CD portion of the album, and possibly the booklet via eBay. He does not appear to be selling the box set's actual box or other assorted items. In the ad, Shkreli threatens "At any time I may cancel this sale and I may even break this album in frustration." He also states that he will donate half the proceeds of the sale to medical research. See the ad right here. Shkreli faces sentencing for his crimes shortly.

Update: Recently, Shkreli clarified in the ad's Q+A section that he is including the entire contents of the box set in the sale... just in case you were thinking of buying...