Listen to the new song by Stay Inside!

Today, Punknews is pleased to debut the new single by Stay Inside.

Gloomy and haunting, "Fever and Jealous" opens with a Joy Division style death march before exploding into post-punk spastic gymnastics. Speaking to Punknews about the track, bassist/vocalist Bryn Nieboer said, "'Fever and Jealousy' is a song about trust. We wanted to write a song about the creeping suspicions about people you love that can sometimes worm their way into your mind. It can feel irrational, but we're all plagued with questions like "What if they're cheating on me?", "Do they trust me less because of my ethnicity?", "Are they kinda uncomfortable to be around me because of my orientation? Or because I'm a woman?" These questions can be really difficult to confront, because we're torn between feeling slighted and not wanting to confront someone we care about for something they don't actually feel. It can make you feel a little crazy, and we wanted to hear that friction in the song. I had an idea to bring in something like a unified cathartic chorus. The idea being that although this can be really difficult and murky to work through, it's still important to hold onto each other, because we're all experiencing the same kind of pain."
Their new EP The Sea Engulfs Us and the Light Goes Out is out February 23rd, 2018 via Old Press Records and you pre-order it here. Meanwhile, check out the new single below, right now!