Court orders Shkreli to forfeit world's most valuable album

The adventure of the world's most expense record continues. In 2015, Wu-Tang Clan announced that they were going to sell a single copy of their newest album Once Upon a Time in Shaolin. An undisclosed bidder bought the album for $2 million. As we all learned, the buyer was none other than class act Martin Shkreli. 16 weeks ago, prosecutors asked Judge Kiyo Matsumoto to seize $7.4 million in assets from Shkreli, including the Wu-Tang album, a rare Lil' Wayne, album, and other rare paintings and World War 2 artifacts. Just two weeks ago, Shkreli was ordered by the court to pony up $7.4 million or he would have his assets seized. Later that week he was sentenced to 7 years in the slammer for securities fraud.
Well, Shkreli did not turn over $7.4, so this week the court ordered seizure of the Wu-Tang album, and unreleased, Lil Wayne album, a Picasso, and some other items. Interestingly, Attorney General Jeff Sessions will have final say of disposal of the rare items, which will likely be liquidated via public auction. Don't feel too bad for Martin, though. According to Bloomberg, he's still worth a cool 27 mil.