Videos: Eat Dirt: "Punk Rock is Dead"

UK's Eat Dirt has released a new song (and video) reflecting their feelings regarding the fallout of NOFX's onstage jokes at Punk Rock Bowling.
The repercussions of Fat Mike and Eric Melvin's comments are still being felt across the punk rock community, with many voicing their opinions on the matter. Most fall into one camp or the other: one side condemning the jokes made onstage regarding the Las Vegas shooting and calling for the band to be ostracized, and the other mostly lamenting the choice of subject matter to use as humor fodder, but disagreeing with the efforts to turn NOFX into a pariah in light of the crass nature in which the history of punk rock has strong roots. Needless to say, Eat Dirt has made their thoughts known via song, and I think we can all guess where they stand.
Eat Dirt's most recent album, the Pull Out EP, was released April 27th on Umlaut Records.