New York Daily News lays off half of editorial staff

Following in the wake of the restructuring and closing of other long running publications, earlier this week, the New York Daily News suddenly laid off 50% of its editorial staff. The paper also implemented Robert York as head editor. York has worked on various Tronc properties for about 20 years. The paper announced the cut backs on Monday and stated that the layoffs would be effective immediately. Parent company Tronc stated in an e-mail, "We are reducing today the size of the editorial team by approximately 50 percent and re-focusing much of our talent on breaking news -- especially in areas of crime, civil justice and public responsibility. We know our readers look to us for a unique point of view, and we believe these topics offer our best opportunity to differentiate our reporting. We will, of course, continue to cover local news, sports and other events, but our approach will evolve as we adapt to our current environment."
Tronc bought the paper in 2017 from long running owner Mort Zuckerman.