Check out the new album by Ben Katzman!

Today, Punknews is pleased to debut the smasher by Ben Katzman!

Set firmly in the three chord bash of The Ramones and the party-heartymentality of Mean Jeans, Katzman new album blast buy in the blink of an eye. "my Sugar Mama is a Scientologist" is not only hilarious, but uses the paranoia-disguised-as-comedy that spawned so many punk classics. "Cool Points Don't Pay the Rent" finds the singer tumbling through the day, scraping for cash all while wanting to lash out at the world. It's no surprise that Colleen Green produced this because the whole record is tuned to green's masterful pop-punk style that keeps sing-songy melody of pop music bent into a ragged, punk edge.

Quarter Life Crisis is out this Friday, and you can pre-order it right here. Meanwhile, you can check out the album below, right now!