Jello on the DK Reunion Offer

and shares with us Jello Biafra's response to the new Dead Kennedys supposedly asking him to join them onstage for ther 25th Anniversary concert:
"Re: Their press release "inviting" me to join their cash-in nostalgia show in
Hollywood on August 19th.

To put it mildly, this reeks of false advertising. They obviously aren't serious
or they would have called me on the phone. Instead, their message came through
their lawyers and their publicist.

What's the matter, not enough Hot Topic bozo teens flocking to stuff cash in
their bikinis? Are they having that much trouble selling tickets to a bar that
holds less than 600 people?

If they really want to, "bury the hatchet," why won't they stop suing me? They
have been dragging me through court for almost six years now, and have refused
attempts to compromise and settle.

I feel sorry for anyone duped into paying top dollar for a ticket because they
heard, "I might be there". But I hardly think I'm "letting fans down" by
refusing to be part of a nostalgia scam.

It makes even less sense than the California Recall election. Sorry I'm not
running, folks, but I didn't want to take votes away from Gary Coleman.

No, seriously, I'm supporting the high-quality Green Party nominee with the
vision and skills to govern - Peter Camejo! Please vote for him."