Lydia Loveless Accuses Partner of Bloodshot Records' Co-Founder of Sexual Misconduct

Lydia Loveless has accused Chicago musician Mark Panick, the domestic partner of Bloodshot Records co-founder Nan Warshaw, of repeatedly committing sexual harassment over a number of years. In an instagram post she detailed Panick's alleged misconduct, which began when Loveless was 19. She stated that Panick engaged in casual predation, which she said included groping, verbal sexual harassment, and Facebook comments “that would elicit texts from friends [saying], ‘Who is this person? Are you OK?’"
Panick responded by saying the he “I don’t want to invalidate anyones feelings by defending myself from these accusations. I have never set out to make anyone uncomfortable. I sincerely apologize if anything I did made anyone feel unsafe and or uncomfortable." According to Loveless, Bloodshot's other co-founder Rob Miller (not related to Rob Miller of Amebix), asked Warshaw about the allegations and Warshaw defended Panick. Subsequently, Warshaw issued a statement saying she was stepping away from Bloodshot for the time being.