Exclusive Videos: Lovesick Bombs : "Dad Rock"

We are pleased to present and premiere a unique art and music series called Drawing Music. Drawing Music is a collection of over a dozen visual artist paired with rock musicians from various NYC bands (contributing members to include The Vansaders, Night Surf, Habits, Marie Kim and much more) to release a paired experience of an art print and a new song every few weeks. Drawing Music is curated by John Redmond of Bay Area skate punk band Secondshot.
Today, we bring to you the first installment of the series called "Dad Rock" by the artist collective known as Lovesick Bombs, see below to view the video and art print. "Dad Rock" was written as a testimorial to a life that one may have when you have a kid and still playing in a rock and roll band. You can click here to view the full details on the project and/or grab a copy of the art print.

DAD ROCK - The first print in the "Drawing Music" series is available 4/9 with the song that inspired it also streaming everywhere the same day. Many more on the way! www.lovesickbombs.comPosted by Lovesick Bombs on Thursday, April 4, 2019