Check out the new video by Harry and the Potters!

Today, we are excited to debut the new lyric video by Harry and the Potters!
America's most famous Harry Potter themed band are about to release Lumos, their first album in 13 years. "Hermione's Army" is the second single from the album and finds the band flipping between a Ray Parker Jr '80's bounce and a Zappa-ish disregard for genre. That is, the track snaps from dance beats to soaring balladry to no wave and props up a knowing whimsy between the junctions.
The band's Paul DeGeorge spoke to Punknews and detailed the track, “We wanted to acknowledge the integral role that Hermione plays as one of the leaders of the resistance during Voldemort’s ascent to power. Like many female leaders throughout history, that work often went unnoticed – particularly the more administrative tasks like planning meetings or packing the supplies. But Hermione always got it done. Without her incredible skill, extensive magical knowledge and meticulous planning, the resistance surely would have faltered and many, including Harry, would likely have died.
Hermione is also such a wonderful model of the imperfect activist. We can criticize her organizing efforts with S.P.E.W. – it’s top-down with little support from house elves and may also be an expression of a savior complex – but while those efforts may have been flawed, she spoke up when no one else would. House elves are basically enslaved by wizards. This was the status quo. Hermione saw this injustice and tried to do something and, when she did, she was basically laughed at by the entire school, including her own friend circle. We’re so lucky to have Hermione as a role model. She reminds us that as activists we will always be imperfect. There is always more to learn and we should approach learning with as much enthusiasm and vigor as Hermione. We must always keep pushing because even once Voldemort has been defeated, all is not necessarily right in the world. Injustice still lives on and there is always more work to do"

Lumos is out 6/21. You can pre-order it right here and you can check out "Hermione's Army" below, right now.

Photo credit: Rosie Richeson