Be Like Max and Latte+ pick their favorite records of '19

One last time for the year, Mr. Shea is back to present to you some guest "Best of '19" lists, as aided by Punknews' Pete V. For the final installment, the dynamic duo caught up with Be Like Max and Latte+ to see what records they dug last year.

AUSTIN TEGTMEIER (BE LIKE MAX) Good Riddance - Thoughts and Prayers Probably my favorite of the year with another absolute banger. This album brings me back to all the reasons why I love punk rock.
The Restarts - Uprising I’ve been sleeping on this band for sure but this album blew me away with its perfect blend of aggressive punk and ska feels.
Noise Complaint - Ambivalence I’m so proud to be able to call these guys friends! They absolutely killed it with this album. It has been on my heavy rotation all year and I can’t wait to see what they have for us next!
The Menzingers - Hello Exile I absolutely love this band so there was no chance this album wasn’t making the list. Another flawless album.
Planet Smashers - Too Much Information Another banger from a super underrated band. This album will have you bouncing as soon as the needle hits! The world needs more Planet Smashers!

CHICCO (LATTE+) 1) The Richies - Autumn Fall True german legends. Go to buy it!
2) Good Riddance - Thoughts And Prayers Always loved them, I was waiting for something new.
3) Senzabenza - Godzilla Kiss A great album from one of the greatest European band of all time.
4) The Follow Ups - …don’t like you either I love my Canadian friends!
5) Our last album - Next To Ruin cause it is the best we ever did. Brilliant and fucking cool to play live!