Flavor Flav appears to state that the "Public Enemy Feud Hoax" is not in fact a hoax

Well, things are not going well in the camp of Public Enemy. Earlier today, Chuck D issued a statement that the "feud" between himself and Flavor Flav was a hoax. Chuck D stated that the purpose of this was to show how media is susceptible to misinformation and to launch his new group, Enemy Radio. However, a few minutes ago, Flavor Flav posted a tweet that appears to say that the feud is real, and not a hoax. Flav stated, via Twitter: "I am not a part of your hoax .@mrchuckd ,,,there are more serious things in the world right now than April Fool's jokes and dropping records,,,the world needs better than this,,,you say we are leaders so act like one,,," He then posted a link to the Musicares organization. We'll keep you updated.