Helios Creed has health scare, is OK now, working on new Chome album

Earlier this week, Helios Creed of Chrome had surgery that did not go as planned and ended up in a life threatening situation. During the surgery, he had to have staples put into his intestines to stop major bleeding. Thankfully, he was able to pull through and is recovering now. Just hours after the surgery, Helios stated that he wanted to continue working on the new Chrome album and hopes to tour this Fall. You can see a statement issued by his representative below. We all wish Helios a speedy recovery!

Statement on behalf of Helios Creed

Hi all! Christina Bishop here, updating you on behalf of Helios, who wants me to let you all know that he is ok at the moment, but we had a real scare earlier- he almost died! He had staples put in to stop major bleeding from his intestinal tract (a symptom of gall bladder issues, and he's since had his surgery/removal). Well, the staples didn't work, and he burst a major artery/blood vessel. Luckily, docs caught it in time, and re-routed the blood and sutured him back up so he's not only stable, he's doing well, all things considered. Phew!
I actually spoke with him on the phone earlier, and he was in great spirits, lucid: he really was not even 'out of it', which shocked me, given the hell he's been through this afternoon! Helios is a helluva trooper for sure, but he could definitely use some positive thoughts, prayers, whatever good mojo you can send him in order that he heals thoroughly, and goes home and back to his life without further issue.
He is very excited about recording some new CHROME material once he is up to it, and mentioned doing another European tour again in November, assuming concerts can even be a 'thing' by that time- fingers crossed!
Thanks to everyone for caring. We do request that you please, NOT send any private messages on here because he has no access to a computer right now, and may not for some time. We welcome any and all posts here, to his page, though.
Cheers- and Helios says he sends BIG LOVE to all of you!!! :-)