Exclusive Videos: Women In Music series: Proper.

We would like to present to you another installment of our Women In Music series. Today's post is from the rad folks at Proper. Every Friday in the month of June and July, we will bring to you a new video recording featuring a few super rad ladies in this scene performing a few songs. In these videos, the Brooklyn based afropunks will perform "Fucking Disgusting" and "The American Way", see below. Proper released I Spent the Winter Writing Songs About Getting Better through Big Scary Monsters in 2019.
The band would like you to consider donating to The Audre Lorde Project to support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming People of Color community, primarily focusing on the New York City area. This series is brought to you in collaboration with the lovely Melanie Kaye of Melanie Kaye PR.

"Fucking Disgusting"
"The American Way"