Listen to the new song from Typhoid Rosie!

Today, we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new song by Brooklyn's Typhoid Rosie! The song is called "Defend Your Temple" and features Becky Lynn Blanca of Penny Matches and Jay Prozac of The Prozacs on gang vocals. Frontwoman Rosie Rebel said of the track,

I would never sit a little girl down in front of a glowing screen to watch Cinderella. It’s not that I don’t believe in good love story, it’s just the fact that generations of women have grown up with this idea that if we play dress up that some magical prince will come and save us. It’s a sham fairy tale about a girl who cries and waits for other people to come and save her- the mice, a fairy godmother, and finally a prince. She’s afraid that the prince won’t love her because she doesn’t have the right clothes. How is this any different than the plot of Pretty Woman? These are nice tales to get the kids shopping at a young age, but let’s be real and remember that all of this dress up won’t buy you love, but it does suggest that we should be seeking validation outside of ourselves.
This is why I wrote this song: “She don’t need no prince, she don’t need no mice, she’ll make it on her own just fine!” All this work to make us look shiny for others, but what about cultivating your mind, soul, and talents and finding the reason you were put here. Personally, I want to see the girl who looks in the mirror and wonders about that badass bitch inside of her who’s ready to kick some ass. Have you thought about her lately? I fucking hope so - because your ancestors didn’t pass the torch of life to you to watch you sit around and wait for some person who may or may not show up. Love yourself above all others, and be ready to kick some ass! I just thought, instead of selling little girls princess dresses, we start by building them up on the inside, so that they are strong enough to withstand an ever-increasingly disposable World. Time to build each other up: Share this song with every little and grown girl you know!

The song is off their upcoming album Queen Of Swords that will be out August 13 and is available here. Typhoid Rosie released This is Now in 2018. Check out the song below.