Chickenman on Architects of Self-Destruction: A Leftover Crack podcast!

Architects of Self-Destruction: The Oral History of Leftover Crack is out now! The book was co-written by Leftover Crack's Brad Logan and Punknews' John Gentile. You can pick it up right here!

Recently, the authors launched a 10 episode, limited run podcast. The program features Logan and Gentile interviewing people that contributed to the book. Interviews look at both the subjects' interaction with LoC, and their life outside of the LoC orbit.

In Episode #11, we talk to the legendary man-about-town... Chickenman! The legend recounts the chaos of the notorious "donut social," hanging out on a train with Jack Terricloth, and being the singer of Green Day... for about 14 seconds! You can check that out below!