The Berman Hour Podcast interview with Mike Biancaniello (OBLivION series)

We are so pleased to bring you another special episode with The Berman Hour podcast. We are teaming up to present a exclusive first for Into OBLivION, a podcast series where singer/songwriter Jeff Berman aka Divided Heaven will be interviewing the folks involved in making his upcoming album, Oblivion. For the next few weeks we will be dropping interviews with producers Charlie Stavish, Frank Turner, Tim van Doorn; engineers Mike Bardzik and Bradley Riot; guest musicians Randy Moore, Jess Guise, Jen 'Pop' Razavi and more. Oblivion is out now through A-F Records and Gunner Records, you can click here to grab your copy.
Today, we have the next installment with Mike Biancaniello, see below.

Mike Biancaniello was born into music production and songwriting and recently had a number one hit with christian-artist, Switch. So naturally it made sense for Mike to produce a record for a Satan-worshipping heathen like Divided Heaven. In this convo, Mike and Jeff talk Valley Village vs. Studio City, the inner workings of publishing deals with major labels, songwriting vs. producing, middle-of-the-night-Voice-Memos, and much more. Mike produced the song "About You" on the new Divided Heaven record, Oblivion.