Check out the new video by Bumsy and the Moochers!

Fuck you! Let's skank! Today, we are debuting the new video by Bumsy and the Moochers!>
Except that, Bumsey and crew aren't your average jump-around-and-act-the-fool ska band. While there are upstrokes and driving horn, the band makes it a point to pull back on the bombast here and there and make room for some earnest confession.
The video for "Won't Give Up on Love" comes close to the fine line created by No doubt on "Don't Speak." Sure, it's a ska band doing ska stuff, but there's some unguarded vulnerability in there too.
The single and video are being co-released via Sell The Heart Records and Ska Punk International, and the band has plans to release a new full-length in the near future (more info on that to come soon). The band will be performing with the legendary ska band The Toasters on August 19th at Reggies in Chicago, as well as at this year's Punk The Burbs in Lisle, IL and FEST in Gainesville later this year. You can check out the video below, right now.