Check out the new single by the Darts!

The Darts are back!

You know this rocking band- they kick out super smashing garage rock with a surf twist and really just totally smash the room up. Their brand new single, "Snake Oil," is no excpetion. It begins with one of those spiraling surf-rock riffs. A haunted house organ skates in, and the band then blows out the speakers... all while underscoring the point that insta-news and social media skewer reality.
The band's Nicole Laurenne spoke to Punknews about the track: “'Snake Oil' is a reference to the fake news, nasty products, lies, exaggerations, online dating photos, false friends, undecipherable fine print, and general consumerism insanity that has infected the way we all perceive our entire reality. We are tired of being fed a constant diet of bullshit. Like, really tired of it.”