Form Of Rocket loses guitarist; guitarist gains heterosexuality

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Word up ya'll. Sorry for not keeping up, shits' been crazy. We regret to inform that Curtis Jensen has decided to leave Form of Rocket to further his education, what a pussy. We are very sad to see him go, not only as a band mate but as a sexual goddess. He has been replaced by Eric Bliss. Eric was a founding member of the band, playing drums in our early beginnings. So far he has exceeded all expectations and will make an even gayer addition to the band. We have a spring tour in the works, the tentative dates are April 8th through the 18th. It looks like the Midwest will be the general target area, stay tuned for those dates and cities. The new site is almost done, I promise, look for it within the next month or so. We had a thingy in January's issue of Alternative Press. It's in the underground section or something so check that out, it's pretty neat. Again we'd like to thank Curtis for all of his hard work and loving friendship. We wish him the best of luck in his endeavours, especially his sexual ones.....with me. Dix baby.....big ol' dix.