What does the future hold for The Æffect?

UPDATE: Just a quick update to any of you wondering where the last few comments have gone from the site. Aubin was moving some boxes and backed a forklift into the monkey cages... long story short we had to restore to a backup of the comments database from last night. Sorry if you lost anything due to that -Adam

The Æffect's website has outlined the band's plans for the future. The group, following the departure of vocalist / guitarist Aaron Feibus last December, has shuffled their lineup. Brad and Steve are going to carry on, with Steve taking over as vocalist. The group has also recruited a new guitarist / keyboardist / vocalist named Leo.

The new Æffect are recording a full length album for a July release called Secrets & Lies. Head over to their website soon for MP3s and a track listing. The band is filming a video for the song "Let Go" in early April.

The trio will be debuting their new lineup this April and May with a pair of Gainesville shows. Click READ MORE for more info on those.

10 APRIL 2004 - Gainesville
Venue: Market Street Pub
With: The Beat Buttons, Slang
Door: $5

12 MAY 2004 - Gainesville
Venue: Market Street Pub
With: I Am The World Trade Center