Editors' Picks: Despistado / Time in Malta

Adam: Here's a song from Regina Saskatchewan's own Despistado. This is the lead track from their upcoming EP The Emergency Response, which should hit stores on June 22nd via Jade Tree. The band's press is namedropping Wire and using terms like "quirky, angular, driving, and thoroughly commanding," check out this song to see why:Despistado - A Stirstick's Prediction
If you're interested in hearing more, the band recently recorded a CBC In Session which can be streamed from JustConcerts.com.

Aubin: The last record from this band, A Second Engine, was an outstanding and progressive foray into hardcore rock. They've completed their follow up to that record,
due out June 29th, and until then, here's a track from Alone With The Alone:
Time in Malta - Bare Witness