Social Distortion mixing, song details

Updates on the much anticipated new Social Distortion record continue to trickle in. Here's the latest:

Cameron Webb and Mike Ness are currently in a Los Angeles studio mixing the songs recorded for the new record. Below is a list of song names that will be on the album. They're not in the final sequence, but we wanted to give you first glance at the songs you've been waiting for. A title for the record is still in the works, but we will be sure to let you in on what it is as soon as we get word from Mr. Ness.

"Reach For The Sky", "Shake Ass", "Don't Take Me For Granted", "Footprints On My Ceiling", "Nickels & Dimes", "I Wasn't Born To Follow", "Winners & Losers", "Faithless", "Live Before You Die", "Angels Wings"