Editors' Picks: The Gamits

I am so in love with the new Gamits CD Antidote [review] that it's almost embarassing. Here's one of my favorite tracks off the record, "Open Window." One listen to this and I'm convinced you'll understand the video treatment I came up with in my review of the disc:
The Gamits - Open Window
For more info on The Gamits, go to TheGamits.com or SuburbanHomeRecords.com.

TOTALLY OFF-TOPIC BUT A CHANCE FOR YOU TO GET FREE CRAP: I just moved to the Cleveland area a few days ago and have discovered that I held onto way too much stuff that I don't want, but some of you probably do. CDs, stickers, DVDs, t-shirts, buttons, posters, videos, 7"s, and more of random bands and labels - I have a huge crate of stuff that's just aching to be given away. If you want some free stuff, click READ MORE and I'll tell you how to get some.

Basically, all you have to do is send me a self-addressed stamped envelope and I'll stuff it full of goodies for you. The bigger the envelope/the more postage you include on it, the more stuff you'll get. Please list the kind of stuff you want [i.e. I'll throw in stickers with everyone's package, but if you have a record player, specify; if you want a t-shirt, give me a size, etc.].

Here's the address to send your self-addressed, stamped envelopes to:
Scott Heisel
1473 Victoria Ave Apt. 3
Lakewood, OH

And please, include enough postage to get this stuff back to you. If an envelope comes back to me saying "insufficient postage," I'm just going to open it and dump your stuff back in the bin.