Break-ups: Amazing Transparent Man (1998-2004)

Amazing Transparent Man has called it quits. Here's the update from drummer Chris:

Amazing Transparent Man is done. Here's the deal. Tony wasn't able to go on this upcoming tour. We found a replacement. What it came down to was personal differences and miscommunication. I'm not going to make this into a huge drama, I just want to say a few things.

We've had some great times and we thank all of you that have supported us over the years. Without you, none of what we've accomplised would have been possible. And all of us thank you guys for that. Thanks to all the awesome bands we've been able to play with over the years. And to everyone that has given us a floor to sleep on. The list is too long to list everyone... so I'll just say thank you all.

For now, we will all be moving on. Tony and I have talked about started up another band for fun, possibly with Travis from Split Habit. We're just going to be be at home, doing our own things...

More information can be found on the band's website.