
Daybreak (2011)

Brian Shultz

Daylight. Daytrader. Daybreaker. It's bad enough these bands play together. Here's another to add to the pile: Daybreak. Granted, this one's from Australia, so maybe they won't be part of this scene any time soon, but they provide a sound that ties in well with the current crop of Day- bands.

Daybreak take clear cues from the whiskey-shattered vocal front of acts like Hot Water Music, Leatherface and natives A Death in the Family (maybe a certain someone else too, considering the logo font up there), but often spin the sound through a more basic, chugging, punk rock pace Avail or As Friends Rust might have kicked out (for those keeping a close ear to the Long Island scene, think Ink & Lead). But they do the slower moments pretty well, from the vaguely wistful tones of "Vice" to the (admittedly uneventful) chug that finishes the album on "Simple Life".

The band's themes run a pretty wide gamut, from "Skin Deep" (ironically, a book you can judge by its cover [title]) and its earnest, admirable buildup, to "No Museum", which calls out 17th/18th century British physician/collector Sir Hans Sloane. For real.

Daybreak show a ton of potential with this quick, economical full-length, full of short, sharp songs that take little time to cut through. If they were to flesh out the songwriting and explore some new tones, though, it probably wouldn't kill them. But I suppose you can keep the name, guys.

Skin Deep
Cobbled Streets