Good Luck

Without Hesitation (2011)

Tori Pederson

Good Luck's sophomore album, Without Hesitation opens with the question "Do you think we had it back then?" The answer to that question is a resounding yes. The band's debut full-length Into Lake Griffy was an outstanding record that featured two very distinctive vocalist and some of the sharpest, most personal lyrics in punk rock this side of Andrew Jackson Jihad. In the three years that passed between the release of Into Lake Griffy and Without Hesitation, not much has changed for the group, stylistically. Matt Tobey's lispy delivery is still contrasted rather nicely by Ginger Alford's more traditional singing style, and they still employ some of the best lyrics in punk rock today. Slightly fuller production helps set the record apart from its predecessor further, but for the most part, we are treated to more of what we've already come to know and love about Good Luck, although the group of songs presented here isn't quite as strong as the last time around.

After Tobey-led opener "All Good People," which seems incredibly pre-occupied with the past lyrically ("Cling to an image of the past / Were you a happy child?") it is on to the here and now. "Our Mess, Our Mark" is a speedy punk rock track with a chorus that features both vocalists going full throttle, as most of the band's best choruses do.

Things are also interesting when the group slows down, however. The first half of album centerpiece "A Song to Comfort the Sick" features nothing more than Alford's vocals over an acoustic guitar. When the full band kicks in the track has an almost Lemonheads-esque '90s alt-rock vibe and is one of the album's strongest tracks.

One issue with Without Hesitation is that all but one of the tracks from the group's Demonstration 2010 EP make less than drastically altered appearances here. While some groups have rerecorded older songs for more widespread releases to great effect (The Falcon springs to mind), after a three year waiting period between albums, it would have been nice to have a few more all new songs.

In Without Hesitation, Good Luck has created an album that can stand on its own merits, but that pales in comparison to its near-perfect predecessor. As previously stated this album is more of what we've come to know and love about Good Luck, but there isn't anything here quite as awesome as, say, "Stars are Exploding." A few more creative risks would have paid off greatly. While calling the album disappointing is a bit too harsh, as there really are quite a few good songs contained on Without Hesitation, there is a bit to be desired.