Strike Anywhere

Change Is a Sound (2001)

This album is unbelievable. Change Is a Sound is Strike Anywhere's debut full length on Jade Tree Records, and this band has blown me away. The passionate and thought provoking lyrics combined with their blend of hardcore and melodic punk has made them my favorite band from the past few years. This is political punk at its finest.

At the very beginning of the CD you realize what this band brings to the table - If you're expecting poppy Blink 182 songs about girls, you've come to the wrong place. This is the real thing. Even though I disagree with their anti-capitalist stance, the comments they make about capitalism and the other topics they cover are spot on.

"You're Fired" is one of several songs that offer scathing, but still valid criticisms of capitalism. "Sunset on 32nd Street" offers a look at police brutality without making the band sound like idiots - Something not many bands can do. Other songs talk about war, the government, the media, and society in general. Strike Anywhere brings up the topics that need to be addressed, but manages to remain upbeat and energetic. Bands like this make you feel that change really is possible if we can work together. They have MP3s for all of their songs at their web site, so check them out.