
Ground Breaking Ceremony (1999)

Brandon Sideleau

I first heard Himsa no more than a few months ago while checking out different bands online. I downloaded the second song off of this titled "The Great Depression" and I was instantly blown back into my seat. It was harsh, loud, brutal, and experimental at the same time. It seemed to mix all sorts of hardcore elements and turn them into a unique and angry sound. Peircing screams, unearthly growls, eerie singing, and some soft mutterings under all the chaos- just brilliant stuff. This band is obviously one for anyone who loves really great hardcore music- it isn't just a bunch of screams put together with fast paced music- this actually builds up moment, breaks down and destroys- it seems to grasp an atmosphere that most hardcore bands cannot.

The first song on the record "Daylight Savings" is the fastest song on the record, sounding alot like Minor Threat, "Great Depression" comes off as very creepy and loud as hell. Other standout tracks include "Cremation", "Another Version Of the Twist", and "White Out"- while all the other songs are excellent as well.

I recommend this album for fans of the Misfits, AFI, Black Flag, Minor Threat, Shai Hulud, Slayer or any other dark, loud creepy music. I believe that after this album the band got a new singer for their "Death Is Infinite" EP in 2001 he's good- a new album should be on the way very soon. This is gonna be one of those bands that will tear audiences up and leave the pits full of blood- they were just on tour opening for AFI I believe and go on a tour of Europe in September.