
Megosztom veled, mielött feleslegesnek tartanám (2011)


Think of an angrier and more chaotic Strung Out or a technically less capable Bridge to Solace, add weird Hungarian lyrics and unusual vocal melodies and you get the general sense about last year's eight-song effort from Téveszme. The band has been around in Hungary for some from years and with the new material has finished a transformation from teenage punk rock to a metallic sound fueled by the passion of punk and the aggressiveness of hardcore.

The ultimate standout quality of Megosztom veled, mielött feleslegesnek tartanám lies in avoiding the clichés and poses which keep anyone with the tiniest appreciation for personal and artistic integrity away from the majority of metalcore bands. Apart from making good use of a heavier sound and utilizing more melodic guitar themes, Téveszme still comes off as a punk rock band, so one doesn't have to prepare for lame breakdowns and still enjoy some old school hardcore drumming here and there.

A question of love or hate might originate from the melodic vocals consistently used to spice up the usual--and in the means of vocal range, a bit limited--screaming. See, Téveszme is not only singing in Hungarian, but these vocals often use recurring melodies of basic Hungarian folk music, to the extent that (as far as I remember) someone on a Hungarian Internet forum remarked it reminds oneself of ">Veresegyházi Asszonykórus, a traditional Hungarian (and somewhat awkward) singing group from the '90s.

It is to be said that musically Megosztom veled… offers no groundbreaking revelations, and--somewhat due to weak mastering--the tracks pretty much seem to blend into one another. Though obvious weak points don't emerge, a standout track also is missing. For someone looking to get a general taste of the material, the song "Önbecsülésed Megmaradásának Vésztartaléka" might qualify as such, as it uses more melodic vocals than most of the songs and outlines the specialties of Téveszme. Aside from this, Megosztom veled… provides a good listen, if not overused.

Those, who, like me, have a soft spot in their hearts for interesting cultural references might want to pay special attention to "Harc a Nagyúrral," which uses lyrics from a similarly titled poem written in 1905 that describes the imaginary encounter of poet Endre Ady and a pigheaded lord. Though the English listener won't notice it, Téveszme's own lyrics also represent good writing quality while establishing a dark and surreal atmosphere.

Megosztom veled… can be listened to (and, if one has two spare dollars, bought) from Téveszme's
Bandcamp site.