Shudder to Think

Ten Spot / Funeral at the Movies (1990)

Jack Essenberg

Most people have not heard of Shudder to Think, which is a damn shame, because they were (are?) one of the most interesting bands to grace not only the Dischord label, but the classification of Post-Hardcore itself.

My first introduction to the band was through Todd Haynes' brilliant film Velvet Goldmine, in which they provided two tracks to the film's impeccable soundtrack. After listening to the two tracks they provided on repeat for a good month I finally decided to look into their other works, and was surprised to say the least when I heard their other work. What once was a band I had known for crafting two of the best homages to glam rock I had ever heard was actually a band on the Dischord roster, making it even better was the idea that them and another great late '80s Dischord band were signed around the same time (Nation of Ulysses). Excitement does not even begin to describe the elation I felt upon playing Ten Spot/Funeral at the Movies. I was immediately blown away from the sound I was hearing. It was some of the most masterfully crafted post-hardcore I'd heard; mixing the more melodic sides of bands like Moss Icon and Slint's debut Tweez with power pop sensibilities. The result is post-hardcore light, but without sacrificing the perfect lyricism that accompanied just about any major late '80s, early '90s release.

While their later records such as Pony Express Record and 50,000 B.C. lost the post-hardcore edge and fury of the two works i write about now, they are still viable points of interest in a criminally underrated band. I cannot recommend listening to these works any more than I hope I already have; my words to cannot do justice to an album as personally important to me as this one.